The Retailer Autumn Edition 2021

Well-meaning employers regard it as out of bounds to approach a female worker when they think she may be suffering.” ‘‘ But this is not a woman-only issue and, as an industry that is as pas- sionate as we are about our people, we have a duty to ensure that we do what we can to meet the needs of women who are affected, but to also create more open and supportive workplace cultures where it is perfectly unremarkable to speak about the menopause. This means every one of us understanding and talking about the menopause at work. Because, after all, with so many colleagues working through extraordinary financial, physical and emotional pressures as a result of the pandemic, the future success of the industry now rests heavily on the hope, health and happiness of our workforce. And creating workplace cultures where every employee feels listened to, supported and valued is not only the right thing to do but will also lead to better employee morale and engagement and a healthierworkforce, with fewer sick days, higher staff retention rates and wider talent attraction.

Our purpose at the Retail Trust is to champion the cause of health in retail in this way, bringing the industry together around its people, and empowering every individual to take control of their wellbeing. And we want retailers who value their employees’ health and wellbeing to realise that an open and supportive culture around the menopause is a great way of showing this. It’s time to stand up and be a menopause ally. External links to reports, webpages and blogs Supporting colleagues with the menopause Davina McCall calls on retail employers to break menopause taboo Retail Trust Leaders’ Summit (recordings will be available following the event)

Amy Prendergast

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