The Retailer Spring Edition 2022





O xford Summer School, OSS, BRC Leaders Summer School… you may be familiar with this exceptional programme and its herit age but, do you know what it’s all about? Find out everything you need to know from the BRC Learning’s Head of Leadership Programmes, Vicki Young.

Tell me, what’s evolved since the launch of the BRC Leaders Summer School programme in 2021?

We’ve tightened up the eLearning con tent. Investing in professional filming and design as well as overall updating with the latest trends and insights from the BRC..” ‘‘ Due to the pandemic last year, we were unable to include a residential aspect as it was just too risky. This was always something we wanted to revisit and this year thankfullywe can. We’ll have a residential aspect at the start and the end of the eight-week programme to allow delegates to fully immerse themselves in the learning, networking, and building strong relationships for the future – which is part of the legacy of our programmes. 2021 was our first opportunity, under the BRC, to bring some fresh content to the table. The chance to move away from quite traditional retailing and bring to light the four lenses of People, Planet Purpose, and Profit. We spent time building a strong foundation last year which has only allowed us to grow and evolve further this year. We’ve tightened up the eLearning content. Investing in professional filming and design as well as overall updating with the latest trends and insights from the BRC. We’ve also made it more accessible. Delegates this year will be able to use our brand-new BRC Learning App, allowing them to access their learning on the go.

Vicki Young Head of Leadership Programmes & Events

Youtalka lotabout thefact that theschool is framedaroundthefour lensesofpeople, planet, purposeandprofit–whataretheseandwhyare theysignificant? The school is built around these four lenses of People, Planet Purpose, and Profit because we believe this is what’s required to become an all round conscious leader of retail today, the school will show delegates how they all intertwine and are equally important to each other. With conscious leadership, I think the planet and people lenses speak for themselves as they’re focused on achieving a sustainable and inclusive future. The profit lens is one that people may be mistaken by consider ing the focus of profit in the more traditional leadership programmes would be key finance elements. What we’re trying to educate is that profit isn’t just around that bottom line. It’s the financial decisions that mean moving from a linear economy to a circular economy, by looking at the economy, society, and the environment as a whole – this is a big change for many organisations and one that will take time to achieve. The purpose lens encompasses many of the other lenses since profit, people, and the planet are all directly related to the individual and com pany’s purpose. It’s imperative that we recognise that it’s an extremely crucial piece of the puzzle. Purpose you can look at from different angles, and in the context of the programme that’s what we try to do. We’ll look at our own individual purpose, meaning your own values and mission, and then you’ll naturally think about your purpose within the company you’re working for.

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