The Retailer Summer Edition 2022

SUMMER 202 2

1 7

Summary To sum it up, today low-code tools hold the potential to help retail enterprises to deliver exceptional customer experience by building new functionalities at a lower cost and at a much faster pace. The accelerated pace of application development via these platforms allows its users to try out new solutions at a rapid rate, especially while they continue to fight off other challenges posed by inflation and a volatile job market.

As mobile technology continues to evolve, selecting a development software that supports both AppStore-based mobile architectures and browser-based architectures can enable businesses to deliver the best customer experience for every mobile scenario. Automating to reduce costs and improve efficiency – Process digitisa tion allows retailers to enhance their business operations by replacing clunky and outdated work practices with intelligent automation, which helps employees to reduce the time spent on unnecessary tasks. When automating tasks there’s also lesser chance of human error, which in turn leads to the delivery of improved customer experience. Achieving process automation is a never-ending endeavour that involves automating all processes in all departments from end-to-end, even as they evolve overtime. With the help of low-code development tools, organisations can now build model-based and user-centric applications that are capable of running and controlling these business processes. This allows business users to modernise legacy processes to automate repetitive and erroneous tasks to focus on high-level strategic work, thereby reducing risks, lowering overhead costs and increasing overall productivity amongst employees.

Erika Arena

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