The Retailer Summer Edition 2022

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• Not all changes need to be radical or revolutionary – look for and implement the small, practical and sustainable changes too. Educate your staff on your brand mission and voice. Encourage conversations with consumers and participation in community initiatives that align with your values and what you want to achieve. • Co-operation is needed, and infrastructure and public services need to support the sector. For example, road closures or reduced public transport services on Sundays are not helping anyone if this is the busiest shopping day in a particular local ity. Engage with local authorities to shape the new face of the community.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution here, and today’s consumer is very alert to something that feels inauthentic towhat your brand is perceived to be. Retailers are having to plan for the unpredictable, and react to a fundamental shift in attitudes towards consumerism. Implementing these changes now will help ensure your shop front remains an agile presence on the high street for generations to come.

Faye McConnell +44 (0)20 7871 8538 +44 (0)7919 565023

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