The Retailer Summer Edition 2022

SUMMER 202 2

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Sowhat should retailers be thinking about for the second half of 2022? 1. Talk to a broad audience. As consumers are turning to online earlier in a discoverymindset, everyone is a potential customer for you, so you need to cast your net wide this Christmas. For example, Google’s Broadmatch solution allows you to cover all possible ways people search for products online, whether they type in your brand name, the brand name of a competitor or more generic product search. By casting the net wider, advertisers are able to deliver 25% more conversions on average for the same efficiency 2. Show up earlier in the consumer journey and talk to a broad audi ence. Whereas in the past, you may have just thought about online as driving the end purchase, this year make sure you expand your shop window by doing more upper funnel marketing online before the peak season, and give more focus to your online creative to ensure you have a really strong visual presence. 3. Max out on automation, and super charge your automated cam paigns by feeding in your first-party data. In a season that is going to be full of macroeconomic uncertainty, automated tools will help you remain agile and give you more reliability and predictability as we head into a challenging environment this Christmas. 4. Don’t lag behind on omnichannel strategy. The number one chal lenge retailers face in 2022 is making sure their online and instore teams are set up to collaborate and service the channel agnostic consumer. Secondly, optimise your campaigns for omni-channel performance by ensuring you connect sales data from your stores into your online marketing bidding models. This will enable you to target your most valuable customers wherever they are doing their research and wherever they are doing their purchasing.

Justine L'Estrange

Sources: •

TrinityMcQueen / Google, February 2022, UK, 5250 beauty, fashion, luxury, home, consumer electronics, grocery and telco shoppers • Google Trends

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